evol-mut-circle is an international group of scientists, philosophers, and historians interested in research on the role of mutation in evolution, particularly as a dispositional factor. The group meets monthly via videoconference for seminars and discussion. Coordination of activities occurs via an email list. To join, contact Arlin.
Upcoming sessions
Virtual meetings take place at 15:00 UTC on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Upcoming events may include regular seminars, special topic discussions, AMAs, and journal clubs
- 21 January (2025), regular seminar
- James Horton, GnT motifs can increase specific mutation rates >1000-fold in bacteria
- 18 February (2025), regular seminar
- Bryan Gitschlag, Graduated effects of mutation bias in adaptation
- 4 March (2025), special discussion
- Distinguishing hypotheses for the appearance of targeted hypomutation
- 18 March (2025), regular seminar
- Kelley Harris, TBA
- 15 April (2025), regular seminar
- 20 May (2025), regular seminar
- June (2025), regular seminar
- July (2025), regular seminar
- August (2025), regular seminar
- September (2025), regular seminar
- Ruth Hershberg, TBD
- IƱigo Martincorena, TBD
- Patrick Dolan, TBD
Past (recorded) sessions
Recordings include the presentation and discussion, with an auto-generated transcript.
- Arlin Stoltzfus, Understanding the role of the mutation spectrum in evolution (background: screencast introduction (20 min); full talk on youtube (49 min))
- Nora Martin, Non-Poissonian Bursts in the Arrival of Phenotypic Variation and their Effect on Adaptation (reading: Martin, et al. 2024)
- Kamal Dingle, Phenotype complexity as a source of trajectory bias in evolution (15 October, 2024)
- reading: Johnston, et al 2021
- recording (Passcode: N!z2r^P?)
- Rose Novick, Structuralism and functionalism (17 Sept, 2024)
- reading: Novick, 2023
- recording (Passcode: W0u!^sig)
- Peter Lind, Impact of mutation bias on the predictability of experimental evolution (20 August, 2024)
- reading: Farr, et al 2024)
- recording (Passcode: ?7H&.wwi)
- Alex Klug, Enrichment for rare mutational classes during molecular adaptation (16 July, 2024)
- recording (passcode: Bm26@309)
- Deepa Agashe, Mutation bias shapes evolutionary outcomes: Evidence from experimental evolution (18 June, 2024)
- reading material: Sane, et al 2024 (preprint)
- recording (passcode: #?HS2x&$)
- Grey Monroe, Targeted mutation in plants (21 May, 2024)
- reading material: Quiroz, et al, 2024
- recording (passcode: y=Rtc**0)